August 2014

The appeal court has again reminded us that when the parties choose to submit their dispute to arbitration and the arbitrator’s decision is final without a right to appeal in an appeal tribunal, the grounds for setting aside the arbitrator’s award are very limited.

Objections to the jurisdiction of the arbitrator or allegations of bias

As a general rule, the hiring of expatriates for petroleum and mining operations may follow one of the following regimes:

Communication (or Quota) regime

With reference to the total number of employees hired for fixed term or an indeterminate period (with reference to the previous calendar year), the following percentage of foreigners may be hired

Direito do Uso e Aproveitamento da Terra (DUAT)

There is no private ownership of land in Mozambique. Land and its associated resources are the property of the State. The Land Law, however, grants private persons the right to use and benefit from the land known as Direito do Uso e Aproveitamento da Terra (DUAT). Although

The DoE recently made sweeping amendments to the RFP under the Renewable Energy Independent Power Producer Procurement Programme (REIPPPP) to make the bid submission process cheaper and less onerous for developers. Will the DoE make the same changes to the RFP under the Small Project Independent Power Producer Procurement Programme (SPIPPPP)?

The intention is to

This is our 100th blog article since kicking off in February 2014.

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