November 2016

Blockchain is the latest buzzword in the FinTech world. This technology on which the Bitcoin network is built has the potential for numerous applications in the financial services and other industries, including smart contracts, clearing and settlement, trade finance, micro-lending and supply chain management.

What is a blockchain?

A blockchain is a public ledger or

If a company goes into liquidation claims must be lodged and proved within three months as from the conclusion of the second meeting of creditors of the insolvent company.

The case of Wishart v Billiton is a reminder that although the Companies Act 1973 was largely repealed, the provisions relating to winding-up of companies remain

The Type Approval Regulations 2013 were promulgated in terms of section 35(1) of the Electronic Communications Act 2005 (ECA). The regulation requires that any type of electronic communications equipment or facility that is used, or will be used, in connection with the provision of electronic communications (Equipment) must be approved by the Independent Communications Authority

Mr Massar took out legal expenses insurance managed by insurers DAS. Under Netherlands employment law, his employer applied to the Employee Insurance Agency, a public independent body, to terminate his employment contract on the ground of redundancy. Mr Massar employed an external lawyer to assist him at this stage against unjustified dismissal.

DAS said that

The ‘Procedural regulations pertaining to the functioning of the office of health standards compliance and handling of complaints by the ombud’ (the procedural regulations) were brought into force on 13 October 2016.

The Office of Health Standards Compliance (The OHSC), was established by the National Health Act. It is responsible for the monitoring