February 2017

The Accounting and Auditing Organization for Islamic Financial Institutions (AAOIFI) is an independent Islamic international non-profit body that prepares accounting, auditing, governance, ethics and Shariah standards for Islamic financial institutions and the industry. AAOIFI is respected in the industry and their governance standards are used by many firms globally.

The AAOIFI central Shariah board has

Section 126B which prohibits dealing in a debt under a credit agreement extinguished by prescription, and allows the consumer to raise the defence of prescription (even though the consumer agreed to revive a prescribed debt without being aware of the prescription defence) came into force on 13 March 2015.

Before section 126B was enacted an

In December 2016 the Pretoria High Court ruled that one cannot avoid regulatory oversight by the Medicines Control Council (MCC) by declaring that a health-related product is a medical device and not a medicine. That is a determination which the MCC must make.

In Omegalabs (Pty) Ltd v The Medicines Control Council and Others,

A South African law contract comes into being when an offer to contract is accepted by the other party. If the response does not accept the offer according to its specific terms but suggests changes, this is a counter-offer. The offer itself is considered rejected and lapses. This is South African law as well as