March 2020

As a general rule, a party is excused from rendering contractual performance if it becomes physically or legally impossible for such party to perform. But a defence of impossibility of performance will not succeed if, when the impossibility intervened, the performance was overdue. In such a case, the rule is that lateness perpetuates the obligation,

01 I Methods of incorporation

A business presence can be established in South Africa, one can either incorporate a South African entity or incorporate a foreign offshore entity, as a so called ‘branch’ or ‘external company’.

02 I Applicable legislation

Both forms of business enterprise are regulated by the Companies Act 2008. However, in the

What is the effect of clauses 11B(1)(b), (c) and (d) of the lockdown regulations which read:

“(b) All businesses and other entities shall cease operations during the lockdown, save for any business or entity involved in the manufacturing, supply, or provision of an essential good or service.

(c) Retail shops and shopping malls must be

The government enforced 21 day lockdown raises many issues relating to employee rights, including concerns around whether leave (for workers who cannot work from home) will be paid or unpaid, whether UIF (Unemployment Insurance Fund) applies and what the rights of essential workers are.

Here are ten things to know about employment law during the