A forfeiture clause, entitling the lessor to cancel the agreement, without notice to the lessee, in the event of breach by lessee is not void for unfairness in terms of the Consumer Protection Act 2008. The CPA should not be construed to invest the court with the power to refuse to enforce contractual terms on
December 2020
COVID-19 is not insured ‘pollution’ (USA)

An American court has held that an insurer’s ‘premises pollution liability’ policy only covers environmental pollution and not the COVID-19 outbreak.
Because COVID-19 is a type of virus it does not constitute traditional environmental pollution. The court said that the policy only covers pollutants commonly thought of as environmental pollution.
The insured had argued that…
Lawful, reasonable and procedurally fair FAIS debarment process

Anyone embarking on a FAIS process to debar a financial service provider or representative would do well to read a recent Financial Services Tribunal decision setting out what constitutes a lawful, reasonable and procedurally fair process. The matter is Mothei v Advicecube (FSP35/20).
The decision sets out the statutory and regulatory basis for debarment…
No insurance cover because of exclusion of contract-based claims (US)

The insured was sued for and settled a claim for $77.5 million under the California False Claims Act for overcharging California government entities under the terms of particular contracts despite their offer of low prices to the government. The insured sued the insurer for an indemnity for its loss. The court denied the claim on…
Tacit agreement on intermediary commission

Despite there being no explicit agreement on the amount of an intermediary’s commission, the client’s consent to payment of the commission may arise from the circumstances rather than an express agreement.
A recent English case (on solicitors’ fees but pertinent here) points out that informed consent to pay commission may arise when the client knows…