August 2021

This blog was co-authored by James Donald, Candidate Attorney

Following the economic fallout of the Covid-19 pandemic, one of the aims of government’s Economic Reconstruction and Recovery Plan (ERRP) is to encourage localisation. With a focus on purchasing local inputs instead of importing, this is intended to assist in uplifting the economy. The challenge is

This blog was co-authored by Julia Sham-Guild and James Donald

The Covid-19 pandemic has forced many industries to become highly reliant on digital markets. The gradual move over the past few decades and this recent sharp uptake as a result of Covid-19 has resulted in an increased need for regulators to be able to monitor

In this August 2021 judgment, the Federal Court of Australia in Star Entertainment Group Limited v Chubb Insurance Australia Limited [2021] FCA 907 had to deal with the interpretation of an insurance policy of the insureds who owned and operated various casinos and associated businesses.  The insureds allege that the government’s directions in connection with

This blog was co-authored by: Kristin January and James Donald

On 6 May 2021, the Johannesburg high court reaffirmed that auditors do not generally owe a legal duty to the employees of an insolvent company and consequently no valid claim can arise on the part of the employees for any alleged misstatement concerning the company’s

The lessee of a property under a 30-year notarial land lease agreement with Transnet Limited sublet portions of the property to sub-lessees who subsequently acquired rights under a lease assignment agreement.  When the lessor bought the property, payment obligations under the lease assignment agreement terminated.

A sub-lessee who had taken assignment of rights under the