In this Massachusetts Appeal Court judgment the court was required to decide whether the costs of repairing or removing construction defects constituted “damages because of… ‘property damage’ ” within the meaning of a commercial general liability policy of a contractor building.

The homeowner experienced problems in the construction of their home by the insured

In this UK case, previously discussed HERE, the reinsurances provided cover “in respect of Property Damage only as a result of Direct Physical loss of or damage to the interest insured”.

The insuring clause indemnified the reinsured against “physical loss or physical damage to buildings and contents” and the Occurrence definition referred to the

This judgment dealt with a disputed indemnity claimed by the insured in respect of the loss of its warehouse. The warehouse was lost as a result of seizure by the Taliban when US forces withdrew from Afghanistan in 2021. By reason of the seizure the insured lost possession and control of the warehouse.

The question

In this Covid-19 business interruption judgment [SCA judgment in AIG v 43 Air School and others], the Supreme Court of Appeal maintained its broad interpretation of the insured peril of an infectious disease extension, despite the contrary interpretation adopted by the UK Supreme Court.

The court ruled that the policy provided cover

Co-authored by Brigitte Geyer

In April 2024, the Bloemfontein High Court confirmed that the life expectancy of a child suffering from cerebral palsy should not be considered to reduce general damages.

In the main action, in 2023, the claimant was awarded R2,400,000.00 in general damages on behalf of their 15-year-old child, the patient, who suffers