The East London High Court refused to grant an application for a request for medical records because the request and appeal was vague and poorly completed, without complying with the Promotion of Access to Information Act of 2000.

The applicant applied to the Department of Health, Eastern Cape for “Copy of his medical records including

Previous decisions suggesting that a preamble does not affect the interpretation of a contract are no longer correct in the light of the modern approach to interpretation of contracts which gives consideration to the language used, the context and the purpose of the document.

In a decision of the Supreme Court of Appeal in late

In January 2025 a Connecticut district court rejected an insurance claim for a business interruption loss allegedly caused when a fire damaged the insured’s facility, equipment and hundreds of marijuana plants used to produce cannabis products. Business interruption policies require proof of a causal link between the actual loss of income and the necessary suspension

In December 2024 the Cape Town tax court found that an additional assessment made by SARS in relation to a contingency policy premium was out of time and had prescribed. In doing so, the court made some important findings regarding the nature of contingency insurance that properly recognise the nature of modern insurance.

The citrus

A majority decision of the Court of Appeal for Saskatchewan agreed with the judge in the lower court that a text message containing a thumbs up emoji 👍 satisfied the signature requirments in the Canadian The Sale of Goods Act, RSS 1978 which requires “some note or memorandum in writing of the contract … made

The high court in England grappled with the situation where 79 divorce order had been obtained despite a breach of their statute law which requires that “an application for a divorce order may not be made before the expiration of the period of one year from the date of the marriage”. Seventy nine couples, apparently