Climate change is no longer a future threat. The associated risks have already had a devastating impact on the financial sector.

Financial institutions are financially exposed to the physical risks associated with more frequent severe weather events, as well as the transition risks associated with the changes necessary to achieve a low-carbon economy. Mortgage, commercial

JP Markets, which markets itself as a global forex powerhouse, has been placed under final winding up as a result of a successful liquidation application brought by the Financial Sector Conduct Authority (FSCA).

The FSCA brought the application in terms of section 38B of the Financial Advisory and Intermediary Services Act (FAIS Act) and section

People unable to work due to the pandemic may be looking to access their pension credits in this time of financial hardship. The position in South Africa remains that a member cannot access their pension benefits while they are still in service. Several other countries have however included, as part of their economic relief packages,