The Financial Services Tribunal has brought much-needed clarity to the position of statements made under section 112(2) of the Criminal Procedure Act, 1977 (CPA) and the implication under section 37D of the Pension Funds Act, 1956 (PFA). On 23 October 2024, the FST in the case of Nyathi South Africa (Pty) Ltd v
Pension Funds
The duty of the Board in terms of section 37C(1)(c) of the Pension Funds Act (PFA) to trace dependents commences when the Fund is notified of the death of the Member

By Ntokozo Ngubane on
The High Court in South African Retirement Annuity Fund v Pension Funds Adjudicator and Another clarified that the twelve-month period within which funds are to trace dependants commences to run from the date on which the fund is notified of the death of the member and not on the date of death of the member.…