Concerned about pandemic-related extra cyber activity, the rise in ransomware and recent cyber-espionage campaigns, the New York State Department of Financial Services (DFS) issued a cyber-insurance risk framework on 4 February 2021.

After describing the risks for insurers and concluding that insurers play a critical role in mitigating and reducing the risks of cyber-crime, the

The cautionary warnings continue for insurers regarding the cyber risks that they underwrite. Although cybersure is seen as one of the major opportunities for the insurance industry, there are a number of risks including the increasing frequency of cyberattacks, the difficulty in pricing for the risks, and the fact that existing policies, including liability and

A Florida court held that the insurer had no duty to defend a hotel operator’s information technology subsidiary against allegations that it was responsible for a hacking incident that exposed hotel customers’ credit card data because, under the general liability policy, there was no ‘making known to any person or organisation covered material that violates

Cyber-risk has become the most significant concern for today’s boards. How does a company protect itself and how does a board deal with it?

Cyber-risk forms an important part of an organisation’s risk management concerns. Wise companies have a chief risk officer or a special committee of the board that deals with this type of