A common response by businesses to the spread of COVID-19 has been to implement measures that require social distancing and remote working. To ensure business continuity, some of these measures rely on the availability of technology like VPN access, as well as the use of online platforms to hold team meetings, client calls, vendor engagement,
Cyber threat
CyRiM warns of up to $193 billion cyber risk – Insurers beware!

The Cyber Risk Management (CyRiM) Report 2019 shows that the economic damage to the world from a concerted global cyber-attack propagated by malicious email could range between $85 billion (least severe) to $193 billion (most severe).
Retail at least could suffer the highest total economic loss globally ($15 billion), followed by healthcare ($10 billion) and…
Cover for cyber breaches under general liability policies

If insurers don’t want to cover cyber liability under a general liability policy they’d better check their wordings and introduce exclusions if necessary.
Whether or not cyber breaches are covered under the “personal and advertising injury” section of commercial general liability policies depends on the circumstances of each case. I discuss two cases which illustrate…
Cyber threats, exposures and insurance

One of the main concerns for South African businesses is dealing with cyber threats. While loss or harm caused by cyber incidents is not entirely new, these incidents have become more common in recent years due to the rapid advances in technology and the changes in many business models. By way of an example, machines…