A common response by businesses to the spread of COVID-19 has been to implement measures that require social distancing and remote working. To ensure business continuity, some of these measures rely on the availability of technology like VPN access, as well as the use of online platforms to hold team meetings, client calls, vendor engagement,

A Florida court held that the insurer had no duty to defend a hotel operator’s information technology subsidiary against allegations that it was responsible for a hacking incident that exposed hotel customers’ credit card data because, under the general liability policy, there was no ‘making known to any person or organisation covered material that violates

The use of technology in the health sector is on the rise.  The intersection of these two industries leads to interesting legal questions relating to digital risk, including big data analytics, data security and privacy.

In his budget speech on 10 May 2016, Minister Aaron Motsoaledi discussed the following interesting medical technology initiatives being undertaken

Cybercrime happens at the speed of broadband with criminals able to easily move the tools of their activities from one location to another. Successfully combatting cybercrime therefore requires real time detection and investigation, often by different agencies in different countries.

Cybercrime has exploded internationally in the past several years in tandem with the surge of

Each device which accesses the internet is allocated a unique number (Internet Protocol or IP address) by its internet service provider (ISP). A record is created each time this IP address accesses a webpage, including the date, time and URL (website address) accessed. These records are stored by the ISP.

ISPs are prohibited from providing

The draft Cybercrimes and Cybersecurity Bill has been published for public comment. The draft bill in its current form imposes obligations on “electronic communications service providers” to inform its clients of cybercrime trends and to establish procedures to report such crimes.

The definition of an “electronic communications service provider” includes not only mobile networks, internet