This blog was co-authored by Yuveshen Naidoo, Candidate Attorney.

On 26 September 2024, the Financial Services Tribunal dismissed an application for reconsideration of a bank’s decision to debar its former risk advisor. The applicant was found guilty of misconduct and summarily dismissed for sharing confidential client information with a competitor and debarred. The question before

In a December 2023 decision the Financial Services Tribunal upheld the debarment of the key individual of a fund of funds investment vehicle, Stringfellow Investments, on the grounds of his material failure to perform his oversight and management role in relation to the financial services provider as prescribed in the FAIS Act. A key individual

The exemption of Banks in respect of financially sophisticated and high-wealth corporate clients, referred to as the Merchant Banking Exemption (BN 103 of 2004), was extended by FAIS Notice 35 of 2023 until 30 June 2025.

The clients covered under the Exemption include other banks, central banks, insurers (life and non-life insurers), asset managers who

In its April 2023 Tribunal decision, discussed here, the Tribunal discussed the three jurisdictional requirements for debarment.

They should be borne in mind before proceeding with any debarment steps:

“The reason for debarment must have occurred or must have been known to the financial service provider while the person was a representative of the

This blog was co-authored with Julian Scholtz, Candidate Attorney.

While the Protection of Personal Information Act, 2013 (POPIA) is widely accepted as the primary legislation dealing with the processing of personal information, it is important for financial service providers (FSPs) to take note of their duties in the Financial Advisory and Intermediary Services

In November 2020, the FSCA released a draft declaration to include crypto assets as ‘financial products’ under the Financial Advisory and Intermediary Services Act, 2002.  The effect of the draft declaration, once made final, would be that any person providing advice or intermediary services in relation to crypto assets would need to be licensed as

In order for a representative to be debarred, there must be non-compliance by the representative or the key individual of the financial services provider with, amongst other things, the “fit and proper” requirements of the FAIS Act.

The fit and proper requirements are measured against a number of categories including those of personal character qualities