The speed at which the COVID-19 situation is evolving means that financial services firms are having to work rapidly to ensure that their business services can continue to operate. Effective and successful management of crises such as these is directly related to how well prepared organisations are to respond.

In light of the developing situation,

1. Licensing of asset managers

South African asset managers must register as financial service providers (FSPs) with the Financial Services Board (FSB) under the Financial Advisory and Intermediary Services Act (FAIS). Any person carrying on asset management business in South Africa, or from abroad directed at South African clients, whether in a discretionary or non-discretionary

The appeal board established under the Financial Services Board Act overturned a decision made under section 14 of the Pension Fund Act by the Registrar of Pension Funds to permit a transfer of business by a pension fund. The court held that the registrar does not have legal standing to take the appeal board decision

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