Tag archives: FST

“Too late to have your matter reconsidered,” says the Financial Services Tribunal

On 4 May 2022, the Financial Services Tribunal (Tribunal) dismissed an application for condonation in an application that was filed a year and a day later than the determination, which was the subject of the reconsideration. The grounds for the dismissal were, inter alia, that the pension fund and the respondents would be severely prejudiced. … Continue reading

Jurisdiction of Pension Funds Adjudicator and Financial Services Tribunal over non-participating employers

On 23 February 2022, the Financial Services Tribunal (FST) reinforced that an employee who does not have a “complaint” as provided for, in section 30A of the Pension Funds Act,1956 (PFA) cannot have recourse under the PFA. The fact of the case are: The applicant was employed as a truck driver by during the period … Continue reading