This blog was co-authored by William Hayne, Candidate Attorney.

In April 2024 the New York Supreme Court found that non-contracting parties under a construction subcontract were not entitled to the benefit of the insurance policy taken out by the subcontractor because non-contracting did not fall within the terms of the policy.

A worker was injured

In an October 2024 judgement, the Pretoria High Court examined the rejection of an insurance claim following a motor vehicle accident. On 26 December 2016, the claimant was driving his insured sports car when he collided with a wall. He filed a claim with his insurer, which was rejected on the grounds that he had

In this appeal judgment, the court considered what constituted “property damage” under the insurer’s Commercial General Liability insurance policy. 

Property damage was defined in two ways:

a.        Physical injury to tangible property, including all resulting loss of use of that property. All such loss of  use shall be deemed to occur at

While this recent Supreme Court of Appeal judgment is a criminal case, with the onus on the State to establish proof beyond a reasonable doubt, it is a reminder for all parties to an insurance transaction of the burden upon the accuser establishing intent to defraud. In civil proceedings the burden of proof is on

In this July 2023 appeal judgment previously discussed here Insurance and reasonable precautions clauses (Australia) | Financial Institutions Legal Snapshot one of the issues for consideration was the meaning of “defect in an item” where the policy provided cover to the insured’s buildings and contents for accidental damage or accidental loss but which excluded

Loss of Use and Physical Damage from Business Interruption and Covid (USA)

This Pennsylvanian Supreme Court judgement overturned all of the lower court judgments and found that the insured was not entitled to insurance coverage under the plain and unambiguous language of the policy because his business properties covered did not sustain any physical loss