In this recent judgment the insurer rejected the life policy claim of the executor of the deceased estate relying on an exclusion in the policy that liability would not arise where death resulted from a condition that pre-existed the existence of the policy if that death occurred before the expiration of twelve months from the
The Role and Powers of the FAIS Ombud
By Donald Dinnie on
This Supreme Court of Appeal judgment in The Ombud for Financial Services Providers and C S Brokers CC and Others [2021] ZASCA 117 is a reminder that section 20 of FAIS created the office of the Ombud as a mechanism for the speedy resolution of disputes which would otherwise be dealt with in court.
Ombud must apply appropriate processes to disputes of fact
By Patrick Bracher (ZA) on
In November 2021 the Financial Services Tribunal emphasised that “time and again it has been pronounced that when there is a material dispute of fact, there should be a hearing of oral evidence”.
It is only once the material disputes of fact are addressed that one can conduct an enquiry into the negligence, causation…