The Ancillary Services Agreement (ASA) was introduced in briefing note 4 of the Coal Baseload IPP Procurement Programme (the Baseload RFP).  The ASA will be entered into by Eskom with each seller of power generated from coal IPP power stations being developed under the Baseload RFP, in parallel with a power purchase agreement with Eskom.

The Coal Baseload Independent Power Procurement Programme Request for Qualification and Proposals (RFP) was released by the Department of Energy (DoE) in December 2014. The RFP allows preferred bidders, with the approval of the DoE, to undertake any refinancing or re-arrangement of the debt or equity at any time during the term of the Implementation

In the Request for Qualifications and Proposals (RFP) issued in relation to the Coal Baseload IPP Procurement Programme, the Department of Energy (DoE) recognises that, at any bid submission date, bidders may not have all of the necessary appointments, consents or documents required to undertake their projects immediately upon being appointed as preferred bidders.


The Coal Baseload Independent Power Procurement Programme Request for Qualification and Proposals (RFP) released by the Department of Energy (DoE) allows bidders to bid cross border projects. We highlight some of the key features relating to cross border projects under the RFP.

Cross border facility and cross border project

A cross border facility is a

Under the Coal Baseload IPP Procurement Programme projects may be required to provide ancillary services to Eskom as grid provider to support the reliable and secure operation of the transmission system by Eskom. The ancillary services will be procured under a separate agreement to the power purchase agreement (PPA), namely the Ancillary Services Agreement (ASA).

The Request for Qualification and Proposals for New Generation Capacity under the Coal Baseload IPP Procurement Programme (RFP) requires bidders to provide a detailed and comprehensive term sheet or a substantially developed agreement with each of the proposed EPC and O&M contractors for the construction and operation of the facility. This is a significantly different

The Department of Energy’s (DoE) highly anticipated Coal Baseload Independent Power Producer Procurement Programme Request for Qualifications and Proposals (RFP) has introduced concepts that we did not see in the Renewable Energy Independent Power Producer Procurement Programme. We highlight a few of these concepts:

Affected Projects

The RFP provides for an Affected Project