As from 1 March 2023 a section 18A certificate issued to a charitable donor will have to display additional information. In terms of a Government Gazette notice published on 24 February 2023, the SARS Commissioner has exercised the right under section 18A(2)(a)(vii) of the Income Tax Act to prescribe further requirements for these certificates. The
Section 18A
You may not claim both a section 18A certificate and BEE points for donations to a non-profit entity

By Liesl Williams & Amber Kardamilakis on
Donations to non-profit entities may carry a tax benefit for the donor – the hallowed section 18A certificate. This allows the donor to claim a tax refund and encourages donations. Non-profit entities that are Public Benefit Organisations (PBO) can issue these certificates. PBO status is granted by the South African Revenue Service (SARS) under the…