Securing trade loans for goods carried by sea: should banks be a party to a bill of lading?

Security for trade loans in general

Banks and other financial institutions (lenders) involved in the financing of international trade deals face challenges additional to those who are financing domestic trade operations.  This is principally because

Insurable interest under South African law revisited

Introduction and background

Insurable interest continues to evolve under English and South African law and should be front of mind for parties involved in the logistics sector who want to manage their risk. The general approach taken by the courts in both countries is to ask whether the

Financiers beware: English Supreme Court of Appeal confirms the applicability of the 12-month time limit in the Hague and Hague-Visby Rules to all claims under bills of lading

A November 2024 UK Supreme Court decision in Fimbank Plc v KCH Shipping Co Ltd, [2024] UKSC 38, has provided clarity on the applicability of the 12-month

With the rapidly changing legal landscape, employers may be left in the dark around how to ensure they comply with the latest laws and regulations relating to road transport during the national lockdown.

A company vehicle used for the purposes of transporting essential service employees to and from work must be limited to 50% of